Trinitycore .playall music
Trinitycore .playall music

trinitycore .playall music
trinitycore .playall music


banlist ip Searches the banlist for a IP pattern or show full list of IP bans. banlist character $Name Searches the banlist for a character name pattern. banlist account Searches the banlist for a account name pattern or show full list account bans.

trinitycore .playall music

baninfo ip $ip Watch full information about a specific ban. baninfo character $charactername Watch full information about a specific ban. baninfo account $accountid Watch full information about a specific ban. $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like “4d20h3sâ€�. ban character $Name $bantime $reason Ban account and kick player. ban account $Name $bantime $reason Ban account kick player. Created auction not have owner.Īdd the aura from spell #spellid to the selected Unit. auction item (alliance|horde|goblin) #itemid #buyout] Īdd new item (in many stackes if amount grater stack size) to specific auction house at short|long|verylogn perios similar same settings in auction in game dialog. Show horde auction store independent from your team. Show goblin auction store common for all teams. Show alliance auction store independent from your team. Send a global message to all players online in chat log. Show current ahbot state data in short form, and with “allâ€� with details. Reload AHBot settings from configuration file. Ahbot re-fill auctions base at current settings then. Binded auctions included to expire if “allâ€� option used. Set ratio of items in $neutral auction house.Įxpire all actual auction of ahbot except bided by player. Set ratio of items in horde auction house. Set ratio of items in alliance auction house. ahbot items ratio alliance $allianceratio ahbot items ratio $allianceratio $horderatio $neutralratio Set amount of Yellow color items be selled on auction. Set amount of White color items be selled on auction. Set amount of Purple color items be selled on auction. Set amount of Orange color items be selled on auction. Set amount of Grey color items be selled on auction. Set amount of Green color items be selled on auction. Set amount of Blue color items be selled on auction. Set amount of each items color be selled on auction. ahbot items amount $GreyItems $WhiteItems $GreenItems $BlueItems $PurpleItems $OrangeItems $YellowItems Will add by one example each item from itemset. If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added.Īdd items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory. additem #itemid//#shift-click-item-link #itemcountĪdds the specified number of items of id #itemid (or exact (!) name $itemname in brackets, or link created by shift-click at item in inventory or recipe) to your or selected character inventory. Also command can be used for reset counter achievements. Remove complete state for achievement #achivmentid and reset all achievement’s criteria for selected player in game or by player name. achievement remove $playername #achivementid If #chnage not provided then criteria progress reset to 0. achievement criteria remove $playername #criteriaid #changeĮcrease progress for criteria at #change for selected player in game or by player name. If #chnage not provided then non-counter criteria progress set to completed state. Increase progress for non-completed criteria at #change for selected player in game or by player name. achievement criteria add $playername #criteriaid #change Command can’t be used for counter achievements. achievement add $playername #achivementidĬomplete achievement and all it’s criteria for selected player in game or by player name.

trinitycore .playall music

Show state achievment #achivmentid (can be shift link) and list of achievement criteria with progress data for selected player in game or by player name.


account set password (#accountId|$accountName) $password $password Set the security level for targeted player (can’t be used at self) or for #accountId or $accountName to a level of #level. Addon values: 0 â€" normal, 1 â€" tbc, 2 â€" wotlk. Set user (possible targeted) expansion addon level allowed. account password $old_password $new_password $new_password account create $account $passwordĪllow login from account only from current used IP or remove this requirement. Show list all characters for account selected by provided #accountId or $accountName, or for selected player in game. A GM Command List working for all WoW Private Server expansions that are based on Trinit圜oreĭisplay the access level of your account.

Trinitycore .playall music